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What are CKD Treatments

Updated: Jul 3

What is CKD?

CKD (chronic kidney disease) is a chronic kidney disease that is characterized by progressive deterioration of the kidneys, leading to impaired kidney function. CKD is a common cause of kidney failure, but it can also be a sign of more serious conditions such as diabetes or heart disease.

CKD is characterized by the progressive worsening of kidney function, and it can lead to complications such as kidney failure.

The most common type of chronic kidney disease is called Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). In this stage, your kidneys have lost 90% of their original functionality and are no longer able to filter waste from your blood. If left untreated, Stage 5 CKD can lead to end-stage renal disease in as little as three years. But with the right treatment and care plan, it’s possible to extend your life expectancy and manage the symptoms of this disease. These treatments will help you live a healthier life for as long as possible. CKD can be treated but not cured some of the treatments for CKD are as follows.

How is Chronic kidney disease (CKD) diagnosed?

CKD is diagnosed by measuring blood levels of creatinine (an indicator of muscle function) and/or kidney function, or by performing a urinalysis. Creatinine is a waste product that is produced by the muscles when they are used. It is then excreted in the urine. The higher the levels in the urine, the more damage has been done to the kidneys. CKD can be diagnosed on the basis of either CKD Stage I (creatinine greater than 3 mg/dL), CKD Stage II (2-3 mg/dL) or CKD Stage III (1-2 mg/dL).

In addition to these criteria, other causes for an elevated creatinine include:

  • High protein intake

  • Certain medications, such as diuretics and antibiotics

  • Kidney stones

  • Liver disease

  • A low-potassium diet can also cause high creatinine levels in some people.

What is glomerular filtration rate (GFR)

The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the rate at which the kidneys filter blood. GFR is measured in mL/min/1.73 m^2. The normal range of GFR is between 60 and 120 mL/min/1.73 m^2.

The kidneys play a crucial role in regulating fluid balance and electrolyte composition of body fluids. They are able to produce urine which contains many substances, including nitrogenous waste products, as well as minerals such as sodium and potassium which are essential for normal nerve function and muscle contraction.

Normally, the kidney filters approximately 4 to 6 L of blood per day, but when the kidneys become damaged or diseased, this capacity may be affected. For example, chronic kidney disease can cause a decline in GFR to as little as 30 mL/min/1.73 m^2 in severe cases, although most people with mild-to-moderate chronic kidney disease retain up to 70 mL/min/1.73 m^2 or more of their normal kidney function.

Furthermore, high levels of certain proteins found in the blood are associated with reduced GFR. These include albumin and prealbumin, which are proteins that help transport oxygen through the blood vessels and help regulate fluid balance.

Blood pressure and kidney disease

High blood pressure can cause kidney damage. When your blood pressure is higher, the pressure in your arteries rises, which puts extra stress on your kidneys. In turn, this can cause damage to your kidneys’ filtering system.

One of the main ways that high blood pressure damages the kidney is by damaging the kidney's blood vessels. High blood pressure causes the walls of these vessels to become thicker, which makes it more difficult for blood to flow through them. As a result, more pressure is needed to force blood through the vessel, and this extra pressure can eventually lead to kidney damage.

High blood pressure also causes other changes in the kidney. These changes include an increase in protein in the urine, which can indicate kidney damage. Protein in the urine is a sign that something is wrong with your kidneys and may be due to high blood pressure.

In addition, high blood pressure may also cause damage to the tiny structures in the kidney known as glomeruli that filter waste out of the blood so it can be reused by the body. Damage to these structures may lead to a buildup of waste material in the kidneys, which can be harmful if not treated promptly.

CKD Treatment with Diet and Nutrition

Your diet and nutrition are crucial for maintaining good kidney health and preventing CKD, but they may also play a role in treating and managing the symptoms of end-stage kidney disease.

Some things to consider when creating a healthy diet for those with chronic kidney disease CKD include:

Sodium (salt)

Limiting sodium or salt. People with kidney disease often have trouble regulating their blood pressure, which is why sodium is strictly limited for most if not many patients with CKD. The daily sodium limit for people with CKD is less than 2,000 mg. The best ways to reduce sodium in your diet include choosing low-sodium or sodium-free foods, avoiding processed or packaged foods, and using herbs, spices, and other flavorings in place of sodium.

Protein intake.

Although protein is usually not something you’re told to avoid, it’s important to note that certain types of protein may be more harmful to people with kidney disease. Dairy, fish, eggs, and meat can be especially harmful to people with CKD.

Vitamin and mineral intake.

Your doctor will help you determine your daily recommended intake of vitamins and minerals, including potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Potassium is especially important for people with kidney disease and should be consumed in moderation.

Fiber intake.

Fibers like legumes, whole grains, and vegetables help regulate blood sugar and improve kidney function. They’re also beneficial for regulating cholesterol and assisting with weight loss.

Water intake.

It may seem like an obvious suggestion, but water intake is particularly important for kidney patients. It’s easy to get dehydrated when you have chronic kidney disease due to frequent urination, so it’s important to stay hydrated.

Diet changes for dialysis patients

There are several changes that you can make to your diet while on dialysis.

Your doctor or health care provider may make changes to your diet if or when you are in kidney failure and have to start dialysis.

Each kidney patient is different your doctor and health care provider along with the help of a dietitian will monitor your levels through blood tests and adjust your diet accordingly. Never adjust your diet without the help of a medical professional.

Kidney Care Medications

All medications should only be taken when prescribed by a medical professional.

If you begin experiencing symptoms of chronic kidney disease or are at risk of developing the disease, it’s important to get started with treatment right away. Early intervention can slow or prevent the disease from progressing and may even allow you to avoid dialysis.

ACE inhibitors.

These blood pressure medications are typically prescribed to those with Stage 3 or 4 CKD. They work by preventing angiotensin II, a chemical in the body that constricts blood vessels and raises blood pressure.

ARBs. Like ACE inhibitors,

ARBs are blood pressure medications that are often prescribed to people also in Stage 3 or 4 CKD. They work similarly by preventing angiotensin II, but they also have a beneficial additional effect of improving kidney function.

Blood thinners.

Blood thinners like Warfarin and Heparin are often prescribed to Stage 4 CKD patients who are at high risk for developing blood clots. Blood thinners prevent blood clots from forming and may be used in conjunction with other kidney care medications.


Dialysis is a procedure used to clean the blood when the kidneys are no longer able to. There are two types of dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. - Hemodialysis is the most common type of dialysis and removes waste products from the blood through an implanted or surgically created external device. - Peritoneal dialysis is done using a special machine that pumps a solution into the abdomen. These products are then removed from the blood through the peritoneum, the lining of the abdomen.

Peritoneal dialysis

Peritoneal dialysis is a type of dialysis that uses an abdominal implant to cleanse the blood of waste and toxins. This special pouch is filled with a solution that travels through the abdominal lining and extracts wastes from the blood, just like the kidneys would do naturally.

It’s often used as a temporary treatment for kidney disease, especially when a patient is waiting for a transplant or if an infection impairs kidney function.


Hemodialysis is a form of CKD treatment that removes waste products from your blood. It's used to treat kidney failure and other conditions when it cannot get rid of waste products in your blood.

Hemodialysis is done by removing blood from the body and filtering it through a machine that in return cleans and filters your blood the blood is then returned to your body. The machine works like your natural filter, filtering out the waste that can build up in your blood.

The waste products are then pumped through a tube and into the dialysis machine where they are cleaned from your blood. This process can be repeated multiple times a day until the waste levels in your blood get low enough for you to have healthy kidneys again.

Hemodialysis is a very safe and effective treatment option for kidney disease and is considered "life-saving" by some experts.

To read more about dialysis and which treatment is best for you please read our dialysis blog here.

Side effects of dialysis

Dialysis can come with a number of side effects.

A common side effect of dialysis is fatigue. Dialysis can cause you to feel tired and lethargic because it requires you to regularly take breaks from exercise or activity. You may also experience muscle aches and pains as a result of dialysis. Dialysis can also increase your risk of infection. Because dialysis uses large amounts of fluid, it can increase the risk of dehydration, which can lead to an increased risk of infection.

Another common side effect of dialysis is anemia. Anemia occurs when there isn't enough oxygen in your blood. As a result, you may feel dizzy and weak, and you may have difficulty concentrating or remembering things.

Because dialysis removes large amounts of water, it can also increase your risk for dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. A build-up of fluid in your body can cause swelling in your legs and feet, which makes it difficult for you to walk or stand for long periods of time. This condition is called edema, and it's one of the most common side effects of dialysis.

In some cases, those with kidney disease have reported high blood pressure and also in some cases a lowering of their blood pressure.

Dialysis is not without risk it is very important to seek all medical advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. Your doctor will discuss the options that are best suited for you and your needs, your doctor may recommend dialysis or a kidney transplant.


A kidney transplant is the best treatment for end-stage renal disease. It’s an effective option for people who have a suitable donor willing to donate a kidney and who are healthy enough to undergo surgery.

A kidney transplant is a treatment for kidney disease. A kidney transplant is not a cure. The process of finding a suitable donor, undergoing a transplant, and recovering from surgery can take several months to a year or longer.

Finding a kidney transplant

The process of finding a kidney transplant is long, complicated, and also can take years. In many states, the wait can be seven years. Most programs require candidates to undergo extensive testing before they're accepted as potential donors.

In addition, potential recipients are also screened by their doctors to make sure they're healthy enough to receive a kidney transplant. Once a match is found, both the donor and recipient will have to meet certain qualifications in order to undergo surgery.

In most cases, the donors must be between the ages of 18 and 60 and must have a clean bill of health from their doctors. Recipients must have been diagnosed with end-stage renal disease (ESRD).

Types of donors.

There are two types of donors that can be found for those with kidney disease living kidney donors and deceased kidney donors.

A living kidney donation is when a person donates their kidney to a friend or relative, who then receives it and uses it to help them sustain life. Living donors will have blood-type antibodies in their system, which may make it more difficult for the organ to be used by someone with a different blood type.

Additionally, living donors have a lower risk of organ rejection compared to deceased donors. In addition, there is also the possibility that if a recipient does not need an immediate transplant, they can wait longer before having another transplant.


CKD is a major public health issue worldwide. It is estimated that over 425 million people worldwide have chronic kidney disease (CKD). In addition, it is projected that by 2030, over 630 million people will have CKD. Although many people with CKD are able to survive and remain active for as long as 5 years, about 8 percent of them will die every year.

The main treatments for CKD are associated with an increase in the risk of developing other conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes. And because these medications are not permanent, some doctors recommend switching to an alternative that doesn’t have those risks.

Most of the risk factors that lead to the development of CKD are preventable, such as diet and obesity. The goal of CKD treatment is to identify and treat any symptoms as quickly as possible so that the kidneys can heal and maintain normal function.

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